go to /home/toru/.ssh/
Create ssh private key file, and name the project/hosting company name. Do the same thing for public key.
copy and private key
Add a shortcut to config file
Host shortcutname User login-user account name Port login port HostName hosting server name IdentityFile ssh private key file name TCPKeepAlive yes IdentitiesOnly yes
However, if you push to live using rsync command like Culturally Connected project, you only need Host and IdentityFile.
Host shortcutname IdentityFile ssh private key file name
The rsync command depends on projects, but it should be like the below.
rsync -avz -e 'ssh -p 2222' --exclude 'videos' --no-perms --no-owner --no-group _site/ root@example.ca:/var/www/vhosts/example2.ca/root/_site